Colour mixing with acrylic paint

Primary colours are colours that cannot be made by mixing other colours together. Vincent van Gogh was convinced you only need these three basic colours to create any existing colour. Find out more about how to mix and use these colours in the video below and start creating your own colours. Good luck experimenting and remember: practice makes perfect!

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Create your own colour circle

Using Van Gogh acrylic paint in the three primary colours: 267 Azo Yellow Lemon366 Quinacridone Rose and 570 Phthalo Blue, you can easily create your own colour circle with various shades of yellow, orange, red, purple, blue and green.

But did you know you don't have to limit yourself to just the colours in the circle? Experiment with mixing different colours and adding black and white to create your own perfect colour palette. Watch the video below for more details!

Mixing with acrylic colours

In the video below, we’ll show you how to mix these colours to create any colour you want! We will also discuss how to create different shades of the same colour by adding black and white. Lastly, we’ll tell you more about creating contrast in your painting.