Transform flowerpots into an outdoor candle

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Create your own

With this DIY, you can make those cozy summer nights out in your garden even better! If you have some old flowerpots that aren’t being used, you can spend a fun afternoon in the sun transforming them into these beautiful outdoor candles. Then when the sun starts setting, light them and enjoy what you’ve crafted.

What you need

  • Talens Art Creation Indoor & Outdoor paint
  • Tear-off palette
  • Brushes
  • Stamps (bought or homemade)
  • Stone flowerpots without a hole in the bottom (terracotta)
  • Candle wax
  • Candle wick
  • Possibly dye and fragrance for candles


  • Some essential oils like lemon-eucalyptus oil really help against the mosquitoes. You can add these ingredients so you don’t have to worry about insects being attracted to the pretty candle lights

Step 1

Paint the terracotta pot with the brush in the desired color Indoor & Outdoor paint. Let it dry for 30 minutes.

Step 2

Take a tear-off palette, for a flat surface, and poor the color of Indoor & Outdoor paint you want to use.

Now take the stamps and dip them in the paint.

Step 3

Press them onto the flowerpot with a light pressure. Take different stamps and add flowers motives into a cheerful whole. Let the paint dry for 30 minutes.

You can now give the top edge of the jar a thin gold layer.

Step 4

Let this all dry well before the candle wax goes in.

Take a candle wick. For these jars I took an outdoor wick.

Step 5

If you want to use the candle indoors, choose a wick suitable for indoors. Cut the wick to length and add a metal foot if necessary. Now take 2 sticks and keep them together on both sides using adhesive tape. Now put the wick in between and lower it into the flowerpot.

Melt the candle wax in a pan or au bain-marie. Don't let the wax get too hot.

Pour candles in 3 times.

Step 6

First pour 1 cm into the jar first so the wick stays in place. When this has cooled down pour the second layer. You will see that the candle shrinks as it cools. That is why we pour the candle a third time. You can also melt old candles and turn them into new ones.

Let the candle cool off before touching them.

Decorate them on your garden table and enjoy the warm summer nights! Enjoy!

Step 7

This step-by-step plan was created for Royal Talens by Riek van de Bor (@RiekvandeBor on Instagram). Check out her page for more fun DIY ideas!