When you have time to yourself try to make an effort of creating the right atmosphere for what you tend to do with that time.
Are you going to read a book? Don’t just dump your bottom on a random seat. Pick the seat that is most comfortable ad a cushion and a blanket. Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and a little plate of nuts, dates or dried fruit. Light a candle. Create a mood you would like to invite someone into and then invite yourself to sit on the throne as your own special guest.
Are you going to spend a little creative time with yourself? Prepare the space like you would if you had someone over for dinner. Make sure the lighting is right so you are able to see but aren’t blinded. Place the remedies like paper, paint and brushes within reach like you are setting the table. Be sure to wear something comfortable that suits the temperature and prepare a little suitable snack and some water so your basic needs won’t interrupt you once you are ready to slip into the timelessness of creativity.