What is Talens Academy?

Talens Academy is a training initiative created by Royal Talens to provide our customers and their store personnel with comprehensive courses on various fine art and stationery products.

Through Talens Academy, our customers can access live online workshops where a wide variety of artistic techniques and the peculiarities of each one are explained. In the course, participants will learn in-depth about the characteristics and properties of different types of paints, brushes, pigments, and other fine art and stationery materials, as well as the most effective techniques for using them and getting the most out of them.

Operation of courses

The courses offered by Talens Academy are free, last for two hours, and will be conducted through the Microsoft Teams platform. In addition, a 10-minute break will be included for participants during the course. To enroll in the course, interested individuals must complete a form at least 15 days in advance of the course date, although for the Canary Islands, 1 month is required. The form should indicate the number of participants and their personal information. It's important to note that each course will have a maximum capacity of 20 people and will take place if there are a minimum of 10 registered participants.

Supply Kit included!

From Royal Talens, we will ensure that all participants receive a basic material kit for proper course participation. This kit includes a guide manual that provides detailed information about the different products and their various applications. Additionally, the kit contains a wide variety of materials that cover different techniques, such as watercolor, acrylic, pencils, markers, among others. It's worth noting that the product selection in the kit may vary depending on the specific needs of the course.

The courses are designed to be interactive and hands-on, allowing participants to experiment with the products and present their questions and comments. The goal is for participants to acquire the necessary knowledge to apply in their daily work. Ultimately, at Talens Academy, we believe that the best way to learn about fine art and stationery products is by experiencing them firsthand.

Join the course!

Scan this QR code to access the registration form.

Remember, you will need to indicate the number of participants in the course, along with their personal information.

Once we receive the registration, we will proceed to send a material set to each of the participants at the store, and a few days before the course, you will receive the basic material kits at the store.

If you have any questions, please contact c.bosch@royaltalens.com