Chalk clipboard

Go to step 1

Create your own

Enough of all the yellow post-its and messy grocery lists on the fridge? Our Blackboard paint gives you a fun and sustainable alternative for being organised! Two days after using Blackboard, the paint will create a strong and water resistant surface so you can use the clipboard as many times as you’d like. Because of the way the paint flows, it’s very easy to create a smooth service to write on. And if you don’t like the black surface, don’t worry! We have 8 different fun colours from Bold Pink to Turquoise blue for you to try out.

What you need

  • Talens Art Creation Blackboard
  • Soft brush
  • Painting tape
  • Clipboard


  • After use, clean the brush immediately with water

Step 1

Clean the surface so it’s dust and grease free.

Step 2

Put the tape on the clipboard in any shape you want.

Step 3

Shake the paint jar before use. Paint the areas you want.

Step 4

Remove the tape either when the paint is still wet or wait until it’s dry. Drying time is 30-45 min.

Fancy more inspiring step-by-step plans?

Check out the blogs using the same technique!