Gouache paint - Royal Talens
Gouache paint - Royal Talens
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Inspiration with Gouache

F.A.Q. Gouache paint

Mastering gouache paint: everything you need to know

Mastering the Art of Varnishing Gouache

What can be used to varnish a gouache painting?

Gouache paintings can be varnished with Gouache Varnish based on non-yellowing synthetic resins. The glossy version 074 makes the colours slightly more transparent and darker, while the matt version 107 causes hardly any colour change. Both dry in a few hours, make the work waterproof and can be mixed together to a desired gloss level. Clean tools with white spirit. Another possibility is Talens Protecting spray 680, which is a quick-drying varnish in spray can based on non-yellowing acrylic resin. The more varnish is applied, the higher the gloss level and the more water-resistant the work. Protecting spray makes the colours slightly more transparent and darker.

Should a gouache painting be varnished?

Gouache is usually used on paper and the piece framed behind glass due to the fragility of the paper. A gouache painting then does not need to be varnished.

The Perfect Underlayers for Gouache Painting

How thickly can gouache be applied?

Gouache is painted in thin layers on absorbent surface, usually paper or cardboard. More about "painting technique with gouache"

Can gouache and acrylic paint be combined on water colour paper?

Water colour paper is an excellent ground for both acrylic and gouache, and acrylic and gouache can be mixed without any problems. Mixing different types of paint always results in a combination of the various properties. For example, acrylic paint dry water-resistant, gouache does not. The more gouache is added, the less waterproof the mixture will be.

Understanding Techniques in Gouache paint

There are four names on the tubes and jars of gouache paint: Gouache, Poster paint, Designer Tempera Farbe and Colores tempera. Aren't tempera paint and gouache two different paints?

What the different paints have in common is that they are applied in a thin layer and form a matt paint film. As a result, different historical names have started to be used interchangeably for the paint that everyone, for example at school, grows up with: in Dutch plakkaatverf, in German Temperafarbe (with the addition of the darkened ""designer"" as a quality indication), in Spanish colores tempera and in French Gouache. Gouache is the best-known designation internationally, sounding a bit fancier than poster paint and therefore preferred by artists.

If gouache is applied thickly, the paint will crack. How does this happen and can I prevent it?

This can be prevented by adding an acrylic medium (this does change the appearance of the paint). Basically, gouache is a type of paint that has to be applied in thin layers.

Why are there no transparent colours in the gouache range? 

Unlike other paints, in gouache an opaque filler is added to each colour, which means that the opacity or transparency as a property of the pigment used is not visible or much less visible.

Other Questions About Gouache Painting

Which brushes are suitable for gouache?

Almost all hair types are suitable for gouache, but the choice depends on the technique used. If the paint is thinned (strongly) with water, brushes with softer hairs such as ox and (kolinsky) sable hair can be used. In all cases, polyester brushes (selected filament) are an excellent alternative.

I can't get my tube open anymore. What can I do?

If the cap is completely stuck, the tube can be held under hot water. The heat makes the paint more flexible. This works for acrylics as well as oil paint, water colours, gouache, etc.