Oil paint auxiliaries - Royal Talens
Oil paint auxiliaries - Royal Talens
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Everything you need to know about oil paint auxiliaries

Can I add Cobra painting medium directly to the paint?

Cobra Painting medium can be added directly to the paint. The paint then becomes thinner and fatter. Painting medium increases the durability of the paint film. In this way you can work 'wet in wet'; painting as long as the paint is wet. If desired, the medium can be made less greasy with water; just like the paint, Cobra painting medium is water mixable.

Cobra painting medium can also be used when painting in layers. Before a subsequent layer is applied, the previous layer must be so dry that it will definitely not dissolve in a subsequent layer.

In connection with the ultimate durability of the paint film, layered painting should follow the 'fat over lean' rule: each subsequent layer should contain a little more oil.

Water makes the paint lean, medium makes the paint fatter. For the first layer, the paint can be thinned with water, for subsequent layers with a combination of water and medium. By making the mixture consist of less and less water and more medium, each layer of paint becomes a little fatter.

What is Basic White for?

Basic White is a fast-drying white alkyd oil paint specially developed for making relief underpaintings. Due to the high concentration of dry raw materials (a balanced ratio of titanium white pigment and fillers), Basic White offers optimum adhesion for oil paint after drying. Underpainting White can also be mixed with oil paint in any proportion. Only to be used on a ground prepared for oil paint.

What applications do you have for Cobra Painting paste?

Cobra painting paste is a colourless and water mixable medium.

Does a painting made with Cobra water mixable oil paint have to be varnished?

Yes, the oxygen absorption and thus the ageing process is slowed down by a final varnish. At the same time, the final gloss level is determined and the paint is protected against atmospheric contamination. Cobra water-thinnable oil paint dries like traditional oil paint through the absorption of oxygen, a chemical process. After the paint is completely dry, this oxidation process will not stop and an ageing process takes effect. Eventually, this can become visible as crackling. After the paint is completely dry (with normal layer thickness about one year, with very thin layers several months earlier, with thicker layers several years) it is therefore advisable to apply a final varnish. Oxygen absorption, and thus the ageing process, is slowed down by the varnish layer.