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68 Products Found

Acrylic Ink Bottle 100 ml

Titanium WhitePrimary YellowPrimary MagentaPrimary CyanOxide BlackSilverLight GoldDeep GoldShow More Colors

Acrylic Ink Bottle 30 ml

Titanium WhiteNaples Yellow DeepReflex YellowReflex OrangeAzo Yellow LemonAzo Yellow DeepPrimary YellowAzo OrangeVermilionPyrrole RedCarmineLight RoseQuinacridone RosePrimary MagentaReflex RoseQuinacridone Rose LightNaphthol Red DeepUltramarine VioletPermanent Red Violet LightEmerald GreenYellowish GreenPermanent Green LightPermanent Green DeepOlive Green LightOlive Green DeepTurquoise GreenReflex GreenNeutral GreyWarm GreySilverLight GoldDeep GoldPewterPearl WhitePearl YellowPearl RedPearl VioletPearl GreenGraphiteShow More Colors

Acrylic Ink Bottle 30 ml B

Yellow OchreRaw SiennaNaples Yellow Red LightBurnt UmberBurnt SiennaUltramarineKing's BlueTurquoise BlueSky Blue LightGreyish BlueBrilliant BluePhthalo BluePrimary CyanOxide BlackCopperBronzePearl BlueShow More Colors

About Amsterdam acrylic ink

Amsterdam acrylic ink is incredibly versatile. Made with a high concentration of high-quality, lightfast pigments, this ultra-fluid acrylic combines the best properties of ink with the benefits of acrylic paint – it doesn’t fade and it dries quickly with a permanent finish. In addition, you get 56 pure colors, including 17 Specialty Colors – metallic, pearl and reflex colors. This ink can be used straight out of the bottle with airbrushes, technical pens, fountain pens, brushes or the included dropper.