Canvases - RoyalTalens
Canvases - RoyalTalens
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About Canvases

Can stretched canvases be painted immediately or do they have to be prepared?

The Talens stretched canvas is universally prepared and can therefore be painted directly with oil or acrylic colours.

How are the enclosed wedges used?

In every corner on the inside of the window (including any cross slats) are holes into which the skewers with the sharp point can be inserted. When the fabric starts to lubble, the wedges are inserted further, enlarging the frame. This tightens the fabric. The Canvas should not be stretched too tightly; at very low humidity, there may be great tension on the canvas and the canvas may tear.

How are the canvases prepared?

The Talens stretcher frames are pre-glued with bone glue and prepared with Gesso.

What are the properties of polyester canvas?

In contrast to natural fibres such as cotton and linen, polyester is insensitive to moisture and temperature differences. On the other hand, polyester fibre is very stretchy (note: not elastic!) and if there is a nap in the fabric, it cannot be repaired.

What is the difference between universally prepared cloth and oil-prepared cloth?

Universal preparation contains no oil and is therefore suitable for both water-based and oil-based paints. Oil-prepared cloth preparation contains oil and is therefore not suitable for water-based paints.

How tightly may a cloth be splayed out?

In every corner in the inside of the window (including at any cross slats), there are holes where the skewers with the sharp point can be inserted. If the fabric starts to lubble, the wedges are inserted further, enlarging the frame. This tightens the fabric.

On which canvases can Cobra be painted?

If Cobra is thinned with water, universally prepared canvases are the right choice. If no water is used, it is also possible to paint on canvases prepared in the traditional way with an oil-based primer.

What does a surface for water mixable oil paint require?

All grease-free and somewhat absorbent surfaces can be used for painting with water mixable oil paint, provided they are prepared with a universal primer. Usually, stretched canvasses are already provided with this preparation. Untreated surfaces such as paper, cardboard, wood, cotton and linen, can be prepared with Gesso 1001 from Talens. This is an excellent universal primer on a pure acrylic basis. When preparing open woven canvas yourself, it is recommended to first apply a layer of Amsterdam acrylic binder. This seals the meshes of the canvas so that the Gesso does not come through at the back.