Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 60 whole pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 201.5 - 202.12 - 202.5 - 205.8 - 205.9 - 227.10 - 227.5 - 231.5 - 231.7 - 231.9 - 234.9 - 236.5 - 236.9 - 318.8 - 331.5 - 339.3 - 339.7 - 339.9 - 343.5 - 347.5 - 347.7 - 347.9 - 370.5 - 370.7 - 370.9 - 372.5 - 397.10 - 397.5 - 397.7 - 409.5 - 409.8 - 411.5 - 411.9 - 505.9 - 506.3 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 508.7 - 522.5 - 536.9 - 538.5 - 545.5 - 545.7 - 545.8 - 548.3 - 570.5 - 570.9 - 618.5 - 620.3 - 620.5 - 620.8 - 626.10 - 627.5 - 675.5 - 700.5 - 704.8 - 704.9 - 707.7 - 727.5).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814160
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 90 whole pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 201.5 - 202.12 - 202.5 - 202.7 - 202.9 - 205.5 - 205.8 - 205.9 - 227.10 - 227.5 - 227.7 - 231.3 - 231.5 - 231.7 - 231.8 - 231.9 - 234.9 - 236.3 - 236.5 - 236.9 - 318.5 - 318.8 - 331.3 - 331.5 - 331.7 - 331.8 - 339.3 - 339.5 - 339.7 - 339.9 - 343.3 - 343.5 - 343.7 - 347.3 - 347.5 - 347.7 - 347.9 - 370.7 - 370.9 - 372.5 - 372.9 - 397.10 - 397.3 - 409.5 - 409.8 - 411.5 - 411.9 - 505.5 - 505.7 - 505.9 - 506.3 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 508.5 - 508.7 - 522.3 - 522.5 - 536.7 - 536.9 - 538.10 - 538.5 - 545.3 - 545.5 - 545.7 - 545.8 - 548.3 - 548.5 - 570.3 - 570.5 - 570.9 - 618.5 - 620.3 - 620.5 - 620.8 - 626.10 - 626.5 - 627.5 - 633.7 - 640.7 - 640.9 - 675.5 - 675.8 - 700.5 - 704.7 - 704.8 - 707.7 - 709.9 - 727.5 - 727.7).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814190
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 45 whole pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 201.5 - 202.5 - 205.8 - 227.10 - 227.5 - 231.5 - 231.7 - 234.9 - 236.5 - 318.8 - 331.5 - 339.3 - 339.7 - 347.7 - 370.5 - 370.9 - 372.5 - 397.10 - 397.7 - 409.5 - 409.8 - 411.5 - 411.9 - 505.9 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 508.7 - 536.9 - 538.5 - 545.5 - 545.7 - 548.3 - 548.7 - 570.5 - 570.9 - 618.5 - 620.3 - 627.5 - 633.9 - 675.5 - 700.5 - 704.8 - 707.7 - 727.5).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814145
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 90 whole pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 201.5 - 201.7 - 202.3 - 202.5 - 202.7 - 202.9 - 205.12 - 205.3 - 205.5 - 205.9 - 227.3 - 227.5 - 227.7 - 227.9 - 231.3 - 231.7 - 231.9 - 234.5 - 235.8 - 236.3 - 236.5 - 236.9 - 318.5 - 318.8 - 331.5 - 331.7 - 347.5 - 371.3 - 371.7 - 371.8 - 372.5 - 397.9 - 408.10 - 408.3 - 408.5 - 408.7 - 409.3 - 409.5 - 409.7 - 409.9 - 411.5 - 411.7 - 505.5 - 505.8 - 505.9 - 506.3 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 506.9 - 508.7 - 536.5 - 536.7 - 536.9 - 538.10 - 538.5 - 545.3 - 545.5 - 548.5 - 548.7 - 570.5 - 570.7 - 570.9 - 618.5 - 618.9 - 619.5 - 620.3 - 620.5 - 620.7 - 626.10 - 626.3 - 626.5 - 627.3 - 627.5 - 627.8 - 633.5 - 633.7 - 640.5 - 640.7 - 640.9 - 675.5 - 675.8 - 700.5 - 704.5 - 704.8 - 707.7 - 709.9 - 727.3 - 727.5 - 727.8).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814090
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 60 whole pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 201.5 - 201.7 - 202.5 - 202.7 - 205.12 - 205.5 - 227.5 - 227.7 - 227.9 - 231.7 - 234.5 - 236.5 - 236.9 - 318.8 - 331.5 - 370.5 - 370.7 - 372.5 - 397.7 - 397.9 - 408.10 - 408.5 - 408.7 - 409.5 - 409.7 - 409.9 - 411.10 - 411.5 - 411.7 - 505.9 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 508.7 - 536.9 - 538.5 - 545.3 - 545.5 - 548.7 - 570.5 - 618.5 - 618.9 - 619.5 - 620.3- 620.5 - 620.7 - 626.3 - 626.5 - 627.3 - 627.5 - 633.9 - 640.7 - 640.9 - 675.5 - 675.8 - 700.5 - 704.5 - 704.8 - 727.5 - 727.8).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814060
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 45 whole pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 201.5 - 202.5 - 205.8 - 227.5 - 227.7 - 227.9 - 231.7 - 234.5 - 236.5 - 318.8 - 331.5 - 370.5 - 372.5 - 397.7 - 408.10 - 408.5 - 409.5 - 409.7 - 411.5 - 411.7 - 411.9 - 505.9 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 508.7 - 536.9 - 545.5 - 548.7 - 570.5 - 618.5 - 618.9 - 619.5 - 620.3 - 620.5 - 620.7 - 626.10 - 626.3 - 626.5 - 627.5 - 640.7 - 675.5 - 700.5 - 704.8 - 727.8).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814045
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: all 218 colours in a luxurious wooden box, supplemented with a number of commonly used colours to bring the total selection to 225 whole pastels.
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814225
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 150 whole pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 101.5 - 201.3 - 201.5 - 201.7 - 202.12 - 202.3 - 202.5 - 202.7 - 202.9 - 205.12 - 205.3 - 205.5 - 205.8 - 205.9 - 227.10 - 227.3 - 227.5 - 227.7 - 227.9 - 231.5 - 236.3 - 236.5 - 236.7 - 236.8 - 236.9 - 318.3 - 318.5 - 318.7 - 318.8 - 318.9 - 331.5 - 339.10 - 339.3 - 339.5 - 339.7 - 339.8 - 339.9 - 370.3 - 370.5 - 370.7 - 370.9 - 371.3 - 371.5 - 371.7 - 371.8 - 371.9 - 372.10 - 372.3 - 372.5 - 372.8 - 372.9 - 397.10 - 397.3 - 397.5 - 397.7 - 397.9 - 408.10 - 408.3 - 408.5 - 408.7 - 408.9 - 409.10 - 409.3 - 409.5 - 409.7 - 409.8 - 409.9 - 411.10 - 411.3 - 411.5 - 411.7 - 411.8 - 411.9 - 505.10 - 505.3 - 505.5 - 505.7 - 505.9 - 506.3 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 506.9 - 508.3 - 508.5 - 508.7 - 508.8 - 522.10 - 522.3 - 522.5 - 522.8 - 536.3 - 536.5 - 545.3 - 545.5 - 545.7 - 545.8 - 548.3 - 548.5 - 548.7 - 548.8 - 570.5 - 570.7 - 570.9 - 618.3 - 618.5 - 618.8 - 618.9 - 619.3 - 619.5 - 619.9 - 620.3 - 620.5 - 620.7 - 620.8 - 626.10 - 626.3 - 626.5 - 626.7 - 626.9 - 627.10 - 627.3 - 627.5 - 627.8 - 627.9 - 633.5 - 633.7 - 640.3 - 640.5 - 640.7 - 640.9 - 700.5 - 704.10 - 704.3 - 704.5 - 704.7 - 704.8 - 704.9 - 707.10 - 707.3 - 707.5 - 707.7 - 707.8 - 707.9).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814150
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 30 half pastels in a luxurious wooden box (100.5 - 201.5 - 202.5 - 205.5 - 205.8 - 227.5 - 235.9 - 236.5 - 331.5 - 339.7 - 372.5 - 408.7 - 409.5 - 411.5 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 508.7 - 545.5 - 548.5 - 570.7 - 619.5 - 620.3 - 620.7 - 626.7 - 627.5 - 633.5 - 640.7 - 700.5 - 704.8 - 709.7).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814115
Product description
Rembrandt soft pastels have been the world’s most commonly used pastel for many years. Each colour in the extensive range is made according to a unique formula. The raw materials used for each new batch go through very strict quality control. Rembrandt soft pastels are based on the purest types of kaolin and high concentrations of premium-quality pigments that offer the highest degrees of lightfastness.
Rembrandt soft pastels
- Vibrant, pure soft pastels, available in whole and half sticks
- Made with high concentrations of premium-quality pigments
- Offers excellent colour transfer and the highest degree of lightfastness
- Free of metal-based pigments (lead, cadmium and cobalt)
- Available in 218 very pure and intense colours
- Skilfully crafted in the Netherlands
Contents: 15 whole pastels (100.5 - 201.5 - 205.8 - 227.5 - 236.5 - 372.5 - 409.5 - 411.5 - 506.5 - 548.5 - 570.7 - 620.7 - 627.5 - 633.5 - 700.5).
Italy only / solo Italia:
Raccolta differenziata. Controlla le linee guida minicipali locali. Raccolta plastica. Raccolta di cartone. Raccolta del legno.
Variant SKU: 31814015