Sakura Gelly Roll Metallic set Nature | 3 colours

Brand: Sakura
Barcode: 8712079395858

Color: Nature


Size: 3

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The set Nature consist of 3 earth tones coloured true shiny Metallic Gelly Rolls: Copper/Orange (554), Sepia (517), Burgundy (522) Metallic gel pens. The Sakura Gelly Roll contains special water-based pigment gel ink to give bright, intense colours which never fade. Thanks to the unique gel ink technology, the ink flow from the pen is always constant, without exerting any pressure and to the very last stroke. Lots of fun Writing, Drawing, Decorating, in Scrapbooks, Making cards and other Hobby applications with Metallic gel pens. Metallic has a magical, shiny effect on white, black and glossy paper. The Metallic gel pens are available in a collection of 14 true shiny colours.

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